Download Product Manuals Product manuals and supplements for Autolog and Folders |
Our software manuals are in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF). You can download a free Adobe Acrobat Reader that will enable you to view, search, and print the manuals if you don't already have one. If your browser has an Acrobat Reader plug-in, you can click the desired manual to display it in your browser. To download the manual, use a modified click (shift-click, right-click, ALT+click, click and hold, depending on your browser). Autolog Manuals Download the Autolog User's Guide, the appropriate Platform & Installation Guide, and the Kermit Supplement. If you use Softworks BASIC or MicroSabio's A-Shell and plan to use the Autolog XCALL, download the document "Using the AUTOLOG XCALL in Softworks BASIC or Ashell." |
Last updated: February 10, 2011, by